How To Fix Elementor 500 Internal Server Error on update page or post in WordPress ,[year]

Introduction To Elementor 500 Internal Server Error

The Elementor 500 Internal Server Error is a common problem in WordPress, and it happens for various reasons. In this guide, we’ll break down each potential cause of this error and give you straightforward steps to figure out and fix the problem.

The Elementor Server Error, also known as Elementor 500 Internal Server Error, is like a signal that something went wrong on the server hosting your website.

Imagine it as a kind of stop sign for your website. When you see this error, it means the server, which is like the powerhouse for your site, is having a problem. It’s like your website telling you, “Hey, I can’t do what you’re asking me to do right now.”

This error is like a category of issues that servers sometimes face. It’s like your website saying, “I can’t carry out a specific task or request at the moment.”

With the problem we’re facing right now, the 500 Internal Server Error is stopping us from updating an edited webpage using Elementor. How can we fix this issue?

Fixing Elementor’s 500 Server Error: My First Recommended Action Plan

Before we dive into explaining the usual reasons behind Elementor’s 500 Internal Server Errors and suggest ways to fix them, let me guide you through my suggested 3-step action plan to tackle this issue. The troubleshooting process we’ll discuss later should be a backup plan if the steps I’m about to show you don’t quickly solve the problem.

Our initial move is to tidy up our website’s database. While this might not directly solve the Elementor 500 Internal Server Error, it can potentially tackle underlying problems causing the error.

In simple terms, as we work on and personalize our WordPress site, the database collects unnecessary data from different places like page and post revisions, spam comments, and leftover files from outdated plugins and themes.

Therefore, it’s crucial to clean out these extra files regularly to make sure our site performs at its best.

Clean Website’s Database & Increase Memory Limits

Step 1. Install And Activate WP-Optimize Plugin

Let’s start by logging into our WordPress dashboard.

  • Navigate to “Plugins” on the left-hand menu → To select “Add New”
  • Search for the plugin “WP-Optimize”, and then  Click on the “Install Now” and “Activate” buttons.

Step 2: Clean or Optimize Your Website’s Database

Before we proceed with this step, it’s crucial to advise you to take a backup of your website. The optimizations we’re about to do cannot be undone.

Continuing from where we left off in step one with the plugin active:

Let’s focus on the WP-Optimize Plugin → Choose “Database.”

After choosing the database, you’ll see some default optimizations already selected.

My suggestion is to run each optimization individually. After each optimization attempt, check if the page you want to update goes through. If the update doesn’t happen, proceed to the next optimization and repeat this process until the update is successful.

Step 3. Increase PHP Memory Limit Allocated To Your Website

The PHP memory limit is like the maximum allowance of memory given to run scripts on a WordPress website. This limit is in place to make sure the site doesn’t use more memory than what the hosting provider’s server can handle.

In general, Elementor works best with a minimum of 128MB of memory. If a website has other plugins, Elementor suggests having at least 512MB. If the PHP memory limit isn’t set high enough to meet these recommendations, it can lead to issues, including the 500 Internal Server Error.

To make sure our website’s memory limits match what Elementor needs, let’s check the current PHP memory limit set for our WordPress site.

Fortunately, Elementor has a tool that provides an overview of our site’s configuration settings, making it easy to check the memory limit.

To get to this tool from your WordPress Dashboard:

Click on “Elementor” in your admin panel → Choose “System Info”.
The System Info page will show a summary of your site’s server and WordPress configurations, with mine currently set to 40MB.

This page will be useful in troubleshooting the other cause of the 500 Internal Server Error. It gives us the current configurations on our website and guides us on how to use this information to meet Elementor’s minimum requirements.

How To Increase PHP Memory Limits

Include the code “define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘512M’ );” in the wp-config.php file to set the WordPress memory limit to 512 megabytes.

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